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MRH Foundation Thanks Supporters of 34th Annual Tree of Shining Love Campaign

The Marlette Regional Hospital (MRH) Foundation would like to sincerely thank supporters of the 34th Annual Tree of Shining Love campaign. Thanks to the support and generosity of 130 donors and 66 sponsors, this year’s event netted $31,448 for The Heartlands Community Center project.

Each year, in addition to those honored by the general public, the Tree of Shining Love pays special tribute to individuals who have made a significant impact and contributions to Thumb Area communities. At this year’s event, we honored Dan Babcock, Chief Executive Officer of United Healthcare Partners, for his years of dedication, visionary leadership for UHP and as an advocate for rural health in the State of Michigan. Over two hundred family members and friends were honored, memorialized and recognized in a special presentation at the Tree of Shining Love Ceremony on December 4th. A special tribute will air at 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day on Sanilac Broadcasting station 97.7 WTGV/FM. The special tribute presentation, tributes with donor names, and sponsor recognition are posted on our MRH Facebook page and the Marlette Regional Hospital website.

We share a special thank you to: our Tree of Shining Love Ceremony presenters, Jill Thomas (MRHF Community Relations Committee Chair), Terry Haske (MRHF Chairman). Pastor Kent (Marlette First Church), Dan Babcock, Chief Executive Officer (United Healthcare Partners), Sarah Kady, Daniel Collins, and Sue Cook (United Healthcare Partners Board Member); to our dedicated MRH Foundation Community Relations Committee members, Sharon Beals, Jan Blovsky, Kendra Jickling, Deb Kiley, Sheila Lambert, Sue Lange, Meredith Lyons, Michelle Russell, Jill Thomas, and Jeanette Yaroch.

To view this year’s list of honorees and donors, click here.


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