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Marlette Regional Hospital Staff Go Above & Beyond for Patients

Marlette Regional Hospital Staff Go Above & Beyond for Patients ~ Each day, Marlette Regional Hospital marvels at the wonderful care our employees provide to our patients and residents, especially the unexpected, extra things our employees do to provide excellent customer service to those we serve.

“And Then Some” is a program at Marlette Regional Hospital designed to recognize employees who commit to exceeding the expectations of those we serve. Employees are nominated by their coworkers and winners are selected each month for recognition and a monetary appreciation gift. Here are some recent recognitions…

We had a woman present to the front desk at the hospital with a box who was very frustrated and confused. The box contained an event monitor that was delivered to the woman’s home, but she had no idea who sent it and couldn’t recall who her doctor was. She was shown pictures of all our cardiologists and none of them looked familiar. She kept saying she would just throw the box in the trash. When our cardiopulmonary team was called, Cindy Olson arrived to assist the patient. Cindy contacted the company the monitor came from to see if they could tell her who the ordering provider was. After obtaining that information, she contacted the doctor who was not one of our physicians and confirmed he/she requested the monitor the patient received. Cindy took the woman to a private area to help her get the monitor on and explained to her how to wear it. Cindy went above and beyond to assist this woman that needed help.

On short notice, Micki Flores was asked to make a wreath for a recent Knight ‘n’ Gales fundraiser that benefits local nursing and community education. It was short notice for her, but she agreed to do so on her personal time and donated all of the supplies. She also decorated inside multiple rooms in the cardiopulmonary department to brighten up the work space for herself, coworkers, and patients. Micki does these things out of kindness, not recognition, and always goes above and beyond for her department, the hospital, and our patients.

This past fall, an elderly patient who was here for a procedure accidently locked her keys in her car. She did not have a relative that was close by, and the patient lived in Croswell. The police were not available at the time a call was made, and the hospital did not have any resources to unlock the door in its maintenance department. Hospital staff called Kraft Service Center, and they agreed to unlock the door for a fee of $50. Our patient did not have the funds to pay for the service, so Erica Soucie, Pam Boyne, and Jenna Muxlow chipped in to pay for the services out of their own pockets in order to help our patient get back home. There was never an expectation that they would be reimbursed for the cost of the service; they simply wanted to help one of our patients who was in need. This is a great example of kindness and generosity extended to the patients we have the privilege to serve!

To read these stories and more, please “Like” Marlette Regional Hospital on Facebook.


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